The Victor Reinz company was founded in 1920 in Berlin by the efforts of the inventor and businessman Hugo Reinz, who had previously studied engine production in Germany and neighboring countries in detail. Very quickly, the company became a leader in the European market in the production of insulating devices, gaskets (прокладка), gaskets (салник).
After the Second World War, the company was practically rebuilt from scratch, moving its headquarters to the city of Neu-Ulm in West Germany, and already in the 1950s it regained its leading position, distributing its innovative products to many markets around the world.
Victor Reinz brand products stand out for their high quality and this has been recognized by many international car manufacturers, such as Mercedes Benz, BMW, Ford and other well-known companies. The company, both in the past and now, stands out for its innovative solutions and meticulous production process, thanks to which the products coming to the market meet the strictest requirements of high quality and durability.
Since 1993, Victor Reinz has been part of the American DANA Corporation and continues to be a recognized and respected brand worldwide.
Drive Motors is the official distributor of Victor Reinz brand in Armenia.